In a recent Forbes magazine article, Rich Karlgaard summarizes the Trump economic blueprint as laid out in a white paper by Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross and trade advisor Peter Navarro entitled “Scoring the Trump Economic Plan: Trade, Regulatory and Energy Policy Impacts”. As he describes it, the major underlying premises are: The “new normal” is […]
Have We Gone Completely Nuts?
The U. S. Department of Education has warned public schools that under its reading of Title IX, the 1972 law that bans sex discrimination in education, it is illegal to deny transgender students access to the restrooms and locker rooms of their choice. Many schools around the country have yielded to the guidance, but a […]
HERO Goes Down
My confidence in the judgment of my fellow Houstonians has taken a giant leap with the decisive 61-39 defeat of the Houston Equal Rights Ordinance (HERO). The fact that the people of Houston, among the most diverse in the nation, were able to withstand the intimidation of the onslaught of elite opinion brought to bear […]
Planned Parenthood in the Gutter
I’ve been searching for a word to adequately describe what I have seen in the videos released over the past several weeks of Planned Parenthood executives very nonchalantly discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts. Repugnant comes close, but doesn’t really do justice to the callous, blase, and arrogant attitudes expressed in these […]
Conservative Policy Evolution
In late May, a group of Republican insurgents who call themselves the YG (for Young Guns) Network released what has been dubbed a new conservative manifesto, “Room to Grow”. It is focused almost entirely on economic opportunity and mobility issues and almost totally ignores foreign policy and the divisive social issues, as well as the […]
The Posthuman Century Question Revisited
Over ten years ago, I invited readers to submit their thoughts as to what grand themes will dominate the 21st century and highlighted some of the responses. My own view at the time was that, despite the specter of radical Islam and the usual issues of war and peace, there was one issue that would […]
The Gay Fascists Strike Again
The resignation of Brendan Eich as CEO of Mozilla in response to a firestorm of protest promoted by gay activists over his donation six years ago to an organization advocating California Proposition 8 has now become the best example yet of the out of control fascism of the left. Any suggestion that these people have […]
A Big Problem in Arizona
The problem highlighted by the recent veto by Gov. Jan Brewer of an Arizona bill that would have allowed business owners to deny service to customers based on the owners’ religious beliefs will not go away anytime soon, because the issue strikes at the heart of religious liberty and freedom of conscience, among the bedrock […]
Detroit is a Very Big Deal
The bankruptcy of Detroit should be watched very closely, not simply because of its immediate financial impact on the country and the pain of its citizens, which are important, nor even because it will be the model for probably many more such reorganizations to come, but because it will be a major turning point for […]
The Gosnell Case
Anyone who has stopped to listen to the description of the criminal charges against abortion practitioner Dr. Kermit Gosnell and is not totally repulsed is either amoral or completely numb. Of course, one could be excused, because until recently, no media outlet other than Fox News was giving any air time to the case, a […]