I’ve been searching for a word to adequately describe what I have seen in the videos released over the past several weeks of Planned Parenthood executives very nonchalantly discussing the harvesting and sale of aborted baby parts. Repugnant comes close, but doesn’t really do justice to the callous, blase, and arrogant attitudes expressed in these taped conversations with faked “buyers”. What have we become?
If there is the slightest positive to come from these gruesome revelations, it is that as a result of their release coupled with the advance of sonogram technology that fully exposes the humanity of a fetus in utero, we will advance to a point of revulsion from which we can end the slide into this spiritual gutter that is corrupting our souls. At a bare minimum, it seems clear that taxpayers should not be forced to pay for it and Congress should move to tighten that provision immediately, even if it will only result in an instant veto by our most pro-abortion President ever.
Steve Tredennick says
Compel a veto — and force a vote — It is time to smoke these folks out by name once and for all.
Greg Stachura says
Inhumane is a word adequate to the description of the dismemberment of babies for whatever purpose.