Not much to add about this but that this pardon pretty much characterizes and closes the book on Joe Biden’s sad legacy, and it was a good day for former President James Buchanan—with the pardon of his son Hunter, Biden removed all doubt that he will replace our 15th President as the worst President in American history.
Patrick Giese says
Greetings James! It is perhaps a mark of ho cautiously, perhaps even cynically I regard the statements of politicians, that as soon as he stated on June 11, 2024 that he would not pardon Hunter Biden his son, I knew that the pardon was inevitable. God bless and keep you good sir!
Idavid Redford says
Every year around President’s day around 150 presidential scholars are poled on their ranking of the best and worst presidents. This year Trump was found to be the worst. When Democrats were removed from the scholar list Trump came in fourth from last. His first term was sad and pitiful culminating in election denial without evidence and encouraging an attack on the capitol while he enjoyed watching it on TV for almost 3 hours. Now he wants to pardon these felons who love him. Pitiful. After his second term he will probably still be last but maybe he will be in the top 40. I predict Biden will be in the top 12.
Tim Phillips says
What a joke. 150 presidential scholars (tenured communist professors). Future’s so bright you gotta wear shades.
Trey Strake says
Could you give us a list of what Biden did or accomplished to rank so high on our presidential list?
Gregory Stachura says
I would posit that LBJ and Woodrow Wilson would rank high with Biden on that infamous list.
Tim Phillips says
Lest we never forget the feckless Georgia peanut farmer. May the remaining Hamas hostages be freed just like the Iranian hostages on or before inauguration day.