75 days to go and hopefully the adults will now take over in the presidential race. In spite of the Harris honeymoon, I still think it is Trump’s to lose, but he has blown it before and is certainly capable of blowing it again. The best I have read on it post-convention is from Kimberley Strassel of The Wall Street Journal commenting on Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer outlining Democrat priorities after they win: “This is the real Democratic agenda–the plan every Democrat member was open about until a month ago. If the Trump team can’t manage to alert the country to the big government socialist agenda that awaits if their candidate loses, maybe losing is what they deserve.”
Gregory Stachura says
Maybe the Trump or the Republicans deserve to lose but do the people. The two-party system has offered two bizarre candidates. The money flows to the parties and without the money a third-party candidate has little chance of tipping the apple cart.
Trump is cursed with a grand ego, and it does not generally serve him well. He must recognize that those who thrive on his red meat name calling and vote stealing remarks are already in the bag for him. He needs to pivot and appeal to moderates who comprehend the point that Kimberly Strassel has made.
Rushing Thomas V says
Gregory, your solution is so obvious yet why does Trump not see this? I’m confident those around him trying to steer him away from his ego driven misdirection.
My bet is that they do not convince him to change
David Richards says
Kimberly Strassel is the epitome of a great, conservative writer. She nails it every time she takes pen in hand. We really are at a crossroad this time.
Sam Altimore says
At first glance it is hard to believe that the Harris/Walz team is so incredibly stupid, but a deeper view tells me it is their voters that are the stupid ones that would wish their “policies” on themselves as well as others.
Vern Wuensche says
Kimberly is simply trying to light a fire under conservatives and others
May God help us in this most dangerous point in American history since the Civil War.
David Merrill says
Outside of all other considerations, good and bad —- if your personal decision came down to only the concern for values, character, and integrity, what would you advise in this race?
Jim Windham says
If we always prioritize what is best for the country and its citizens we will usually be consistent with our highest and best values, but evil lurks in every heart.
Ann McCulloch says
When will we ever learn – freedom or government control?
Are we so blind to the truth?
Do we believe morality can be legislated?- never -it’s a matter of the heart.
The ultimate goal of the left is globalism. This sounds like the end-times agenda.
Praying GOD will give Americans mercy to wake up.
Stan says
Little is new in presidential politics. Harris is the latest (and best recent progressive) candidate since Wilson.. It took Harding and Coolidge 3 terms to correct the progressive damage, and the ountry was lucky to have them after Wilson .
I have trust that even the young voters will recognize this fraudulent slight of hand to move an extreme pregressive into power is not acceptable.
Hondo says
A stolen quote or two seems apropos at the moment.
“Some of the biggest cases of mistaken identity are among intellectuals who have trouble remembering that they are not God.”
If Kamala Kommie failed to utilize her brilliance and cosmic leadership skills since that inauguration long ago, that’s her bad, and epically so. And it makes the Convention look like a gathering of benighted “leadership” dolts for putting their hopes and dreams in the hands of a complete slacker and her Sancho Panza Walz.
And they expect the rest of us, and the dangerous world at large, to rejoice in her arrival? AYFKM?
Sorry don’t have any brilliant or even dull thoughts of my own — but happy to read and rely on others who do!
Idavid Redford says
I have a Ukraine flag in front of my house. That should tell my story I hate Putin and Trump loves him and thinks he is a genius for invading Ukraine. Trump thinks soldiers are suckers and losers and probably thinks he is very smart with his bone spur idea to avoid fighting like a real man. Jan 6 says it all. He watched and enjoyed the riot for 3 hours and wants to pardon the rioters. Around 50M people have drunk the kool aid and believe he won the last election without evidence. I can only quote Jesus again “You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free” There is a word for people who are voting for Trump and it is not smart. The Bush family are smart and did not vote for him. Other moderate Rs will follow and joy and truth will prevail.
Jim Lockart says
Mr. Redford, I too have a Ukraine flag in our front yard. I am a conservative who cannot vote for Trump for the reason that you have given plus many more. I again grieve that in a wonderful country like ours, we have these two major party candidates. You have appropriately quoted Jesus. You can also look to the book of Proverbs for further reasons not to vote for Trump. Godspeed, Jim Lockart
Danny Billingsley says
Omit the names and personalities. Substitute policy and/or form of government. The choice is easy for me.
As to Trump’s relationship with Putin, as the old-timers said, it’s easier to catch flies with honey than vinegar. There is a reason Trump is a master of the deal.