We’re less than 30 days from electing a new U. S. Commander in Chief and I wonder about the answer to this question, along with Noah Rothman of National Review, who questions perceptively as follows:
“Kamala Harris cannot say that she wants America’s most stalwart ally in the Middle East to win its war against Iran-backed terrorists. Donald Trump will not say that he wants a Western-facing country, which is being dismembered by one of America’s oldest enemies, to win its righteous war of self-defense. Both campaigns pay lip service to the need to confront China without leveling with the American people about what it will take to achieve our objectives. These may be serious times, but they have not generated commensurate seriousness in our politics. Pray that it doesn’t take an epochal disaster for America to come to its senses”.
First, we must first clean up the mess that was and is continuing to be made by the Trump haters, climatologists, and COVID doomsayers that were so certain that Uncle Joe and his incompetent sycophants were the answer to uniting and bringing the country together and reestablishing our respect and image in the world. How has that gone?
During the interim (now and January 20, 2025) we pray that our foreign adversaries don’t conclude that this is the opportune time to become venturesome and pull the tiger’s tale.
Then, like those that have suffered insurmountable hurricane and tornado damage from Florida up and up the East Coast, we begin the long and difficult course of cleaning this mess-up.
For now, we are left with two choices — one who participated and contributed to the last four years of domestic and foreign chaos or one who, for the most part, presided over the opposite during the 4 years preceding our uniters in chief. Make your choice and prepare to live with it. Regardless it will be a tad rocky in the years to come.
Don’t worry,I will hold my nose and vote for Trump. I will disagree and say that Trump presided over years of chaos also. I was shocked as he continued to fire people with brains that disagreed with him. I hope he can find some people to fill his administration instead of his family who seem to control the Republican Party. We don’t need any more egomaniacs in the White House.
Obviously, both are playing to a political base. The difference is that Harris believes her pro-radical Muslim base is right and she likely won’t pivot if elected. Trump, on the other hand, believes the America First agenda of his base, but is pragmatic enough to know we can’t let Ukraine be overrun by Russia and still maintain any credibility as the world’s stabilizing power. It is easy to forget, when the second Ukraine invasion started, under Biden, it was due to his weakness and incompetence on the world stage. On top of that, Biden and his foreign policy advisors, and other so-called experts, thought Ukraine would only stand a matter of weeks before falling to Russia. Only through Ukraine’s courage, determination, ingenuity and Russia’s incompetence, did they hold on long enough to need American weapons. Then all of a sudden, Biden was forced to take some action, tepid as it was. Trump will pivot, and unlike Biden, or Harris, Putin will not be anxious to find out how strong that pivot will be. It is probably to the advantage of the U.S. for Trump not to show his hand right now. Regarding Israel, my guess is Netanyahu already knows a green light is coming from Trump, if elected.
China and Tawain are the big flies in the milk churn. China is not yet prepared to strike Tawain. As small as Tawain is, China knows a shootout with Tawain will be a blood bath of epic proportions, even without U.S. intervention. When over, China’s only gain would be a rock. Their hope is a string of U.S. administrations as weak, incompetent and left leaning as Biden and Harris. That will leave Tawain with little option, but to compromise with China, which will eventually result in complete domination by China.
Of course, I’m just a retired deputy sheriff with a degree from Sam Houston State and guessing just like the “experts”.
One of Jim’s many strengths are making us all stretch our minds. Thanks Jim.
Trump will keep US out of war by flexing economic muscle and leverage while allowing despots to save face with their people. Kamala will do nothing but appease and cackle. Today is the holiest day on the Jewish calendar. Yom Kippur – the day of atonement, keep a close eye on Israel/Iran today and tomorrow. The Israeli’s are going to take out the Iranian’s nuclear program and the rest of the non-proxy Iranian countries and Saudi kingdom will thank them. Turkey is not a gulf state. China, Russia, North Korea will not engage. Hopefully Iranian people will rise up and topple the muslim theocratic terrorist regime. Never forget God is in control and works all things for good for those who love Him, and in executing His perfect sovereign plan.