If you are a taxpayer who lives in the Houston Independent School District, along with the inundation of political warfare from around the country you have also been asked to approve a $4.4 billion bond issue–this by a district that has been shrinking in enrollment steadily over the past 20 years and is expected to continue, as students and their parents “vote with their feet”. In fact, using the district’s own data, the number of “under-utilized” schools will grow to about one-third of the district’s 273 campuses by the 2028-29 school year, and only about a quarter of HISD campuses are expected to see student enrollment increase in the next four years. And yet, according to a number of district officials, the bond issue will stop the bleeding and “bring our students back”.
This is delusional. So the question is, regardless of the outcome of the bond issue, can you think of a better case study in favor of universal school choice than the Houston Independent School District?
No Jim I cannot think of a better case study than the wastefulness of Public schools. A vote for Trump is a vote for school choice which employs free enterprise principles.
You are right Jim they are delusional but have been for years. Our local district also asked for an increase. They may or may not need it, but they did a very poor job of selling it.