Just in the past few days there has come the announcement in the journal Science of a large study by an international research team and the discovery of five genetic markers linked to whether someone has ever had sex with a person of the same sex. This team conducted a genome-wide association study using genomic […]
Planned Parenthood Retreats
As parts of the Trump administration’s Protect Life rules have gone into effect, particularly one that prohibits recipients of Title X family-planning funds from performing abortions or referring for abortions, the nation’s largest abortion provider, Planned Parenthood, has announced that it will not comply with the new rules and will forfeit federal funding of about […]
Methodism at the Tipping Point
My church, the United Methodist, has just completed the latest convocation of its General Conference, the top governing body of the Church, in St. Louis. And while it is never without controversy, according to all reports this one might have been the tipping point for the world-wide denomination’s unity over a sticking point that has […]
More “Poetic Truth”
If people want to really blow up one figure here or one word there, I would argue that they’re missing the forest for the trees. I think that there’s a lot of people more concerned about being precisely, factually, and semantically correct than about being morally right.–Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez in an interview with Anderson Cooper on […]
A Very Shameful Truth
As I write, it remains to be seen whether or not Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam will be able to keep his job after the exposure of photos from his medical school yearbook showing him either in blackface or in KKK robes. But if he resigns, he should receive going away thanks for exposing a […]
Another Limited But Positive Court Decision for Religious Freedom
The Supreme Court has just announced its decision in the Colorado “wedding cake case” by ruling that a baker who refused to bake a cake for a same sex wedding on religious grounds did not get a fair hearing before the state civil rights commission and shouldn’t be penalized. It was a 7-2 ruling, but […]
Kissinger on Artificial Intelligence and Its Threats
In a recent provocative article in The Atlantic entitled “How the Enlightenment Ends”, Henry Kissinger provides much-needed context and definition to the issues and concerns around the explosive growth of artificial intelligence (AI) that includes warnings that we ignore at our peril. To cut to the chase, he makes the case that—philosophically, intellectually, in every […]
Facebook and Privacy
Except for a very brief time early on, I have never been a member of Facebook, so I don’t really write as a “user”, neither have I been “used”, so I only have a couple of independent observations to make about the revelation involving the use or abuse of data from 87 million users by […]
Once Again We Must Do Something
Now we have a Parkland and a Nikolas Cruz to add to the litany of disturbed young men who have committed mass murder of other young men and women and, as usual, the cry is that “we must do something”. But the something almost always begins with more control of guns that would not have […]
Bathroom Politics in Texas
I’ve made every attempt to distance myself from the so-called “bathroom bill” issue during the regular and special sessions of the Texas Legislature, but it has more legs than it deserves and that I originally thought it might, so here goes. First, we don’t need a state law that preempts local ordinances governing access to […]
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