Here are key passages from Supreme Court Justice Alito’s opinion in the Dobbs case overturning Roe v. Wade: “Abortion presents a profound moral question. The Constitution does not prohibit the citizens of each state from regulating or prohibiting abortion. Roe and Casey arrogated that authority. We now overrule those decisions and return that authority to the people and their elected representatives….we do not pretend to know how our political system or society will respond to today’s decision overriding Roe and Casey.”
Now, just over a year since the Dobbs decision, we should be pretty sure of one thing–Americans don’t want to forfeit their views on abortion to any national authority and have been activated to give warning to Republicans that, after half a century working to overturn Roe, they were totally unprepared for the democratic policy debate and the results that are coming from the people. The Democrats and pro-abortion rights activists are winning state referendums and proxy battles decisively, and in red states! This is not at all what the pro-life movement expected; it has enormous implications up and down the ballot for 2024, and despite some encouraging activity with state level legislation, if the GOP doesn’t get its act together pretty soon, this political liability will persist until Republicans find an acceptable abortion message for the national stage.
The Christian churches have an obligation to assist the political efforts with spiritual messaging on these questions of morals. Too many pulpits have been silent on the evils of abortion for fear of offending women who have fallen to that tragic end.
Moreover, we have had several generations pass believing that the legal status of abortion is an ethical endorsement. If it is allowed, it must be OK.
The liberal arts could also pick up on the tragic consequences of abortion and the lasting effects upon our culture as well as the individual.
The GOP is controlled from the precinct level all the way up by single issue pro-lifers. They talk only to each other and are totally disconnected from the large body of independent voters who actually decide elections. The independent voter group is independent mainly because of this single issue abortion focus.
This allows Democrats to run on this issue and avoid talking about their other ridiculous beliefs, and win.
Independents see the country going to hell while the GOP is fixated on abortion.
I surely understand the frustration among Republicans of how the Pro-Life movement is hurting the party politically. However, to Pro-Life folks’ abortion is murder, a mortal sin that they cannot, and will not accept regardless of the political consequences. Call it destructive single-issue politics, call it illogical or whatever you wish, but to the Right to Life folks it is about obeying God’s commandments. To them killing an unborn child is no different than the murder of a born child or any person for that matter. I do not know how that can ever be overcome. Christians are aliens here on earth, only waiting here for their accession to God’s kingdom. Accepting the killing of unborn children will never be acceptable to them, nor should anyone expect it to be.
The flip side of this issue is, why would a Republican or independent vote for a progressive, leftist Democrat because their Republican opponent is Pro-Life? Now that is real single-issue politics.
A great response, Danny, and I agree–I don’t owe anyone an apology for my pro-life stand, even if I qualify as a single-issue voter. But I want to save all the babies we can save, which in some post-Roe political jurisdictions will almost certainly involve not allowing the perfect policy to be the enemy of the good. The Republican Party needs to do a much better job of defining this outcome, which as you note will in all cases certainly be much preferred to the progressive left’s stance.
Jim, like you and others, I am a pro-lifer however I can accept abortion for rape, for the protection of the mother or unborn, for incest, and a few other other isolated situations. I struggle with why so many abortions are done with women who could have avoided the pregnancy by simply using the various birth control methods available today.
The frustration here is that the GOP, like with so many other issues, seems to be rescuing the extreme Dems on this issue, which should have been a big victory.