December is usually an open month for the Pilgrim, but I can’t resist some year end comments on the impeachment show trials along with a couple of personal items.
First, the impeachment “inquiry”. The so-called Pelosi “moderate” Democrats couldn’t hold off their party’s hard left wing nuts, aided and abetted by a compliant media, and were forced to proceed with this latest round of complete madness of an inquiry conjured out of a lineup of hearsay witnesses and frustrated foreign service officers with their litany of innuendo mainly based on their personal resentment of the Commander in Chief.
Let’s understand what’s going on here—no doubt the majority of career foreign services officers serve their country patriotically, but there are large numbers of them who deeply resent the fact that Donald Trump is their boss and who are part of the “resistance” to anything he stands for that has been in place since he was elected. I have my own problems with some elements of Trump’s foreign policy and other aspects of his administration, but these people believe that America’s foreign policy is proprietary with them, not the President whose will they serve. Without their aggressive support of this resistance and that of rogue elements of the FBI and intelligence community, we would not have had a Mueller investigation or an impeachment inquiry. There is no case for either. What Trump did and said on the Ukraine/Biden matter is clear to me, problematic at best, and not becoming to a President, but it’s a political issue, so let’s settle it on Election Day 2020.
And think about this: Does Speaker Pelosi really want to preside over an impeachment by the House decided on strict party lines which will certainly result in an acquittal by the Senate, an effective exoneration of Donald Trump?
On a personal note, over the next several weeks I will be giving some thought to the future of The Texas Pilgrim as it enters its 21st year of publication—frequency, format, content priorities, etc.—so if you have thoughts, critique, or suggestions, please let me have them.
And if you have a late teenager or millennial around the house or neighborhood who missed (or misunderstood) the past two decades, my book The Texas Pilgrim: 20 Years of Reflection and Commentary is available for last minute holiday gifts on Amazon at or just go to and click on the book cover.
Many thanks for your continuing support and have a great Christmas season and a happy and prosperous New Year!
Merry Christmas, Jim.
Although change is many times a good thing, I subscribe to the adage, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
If, however, you need to change things up for your personal well-being, then please do what’s best for Jim.
Jim, I always love to read your thoughts. Hope you continue, even if not as frequent in future.
In reply to the only reader who thinks Trump violated the law, why doesn’t he give us same analysis addressing Obama’s many more violations of federal laws; including using IRS for political purposes, unlawfully using Phiser Court to unlawfully spy on Trump, Biden corruption, and many more lies than Trump? Also, the Dem’s many occasions of ignoring same of worst violations by its own members. I hope the GOP really opens up on bringing to trial the entire Dem party and Obama in the impeachment trial for many days during Jan and Feb, as well as the propaganda press. They asked for it, and after the mock hearing in House they will be powerless to stop it in Senate. The country needs to hear the truth about what Dems have done. The Dems asked for it. Unlike the House hearing which I switched off to sports talk, I will watch all of the Senate trial.
Merry Christmas and a heathy and happy New Year.
Enjoy the insights the Pilgrim privides
Thanks for your writing in 2019 and thanks for the great book The Texas Pilgrim: 20 Years of Reflection and Commentary. History AND analysis of issues of the day. A great read!
I wouldn’t change a thing. Happy New Year!
Merry Christmas and holiday blessings to the Windhams!
Merry Christmas, Jim. Hope you’ll continue for at least one more year. It should be a interesting one. After that, we have to wait and see.
It is such a pleasure to follow a real journalist, please keep sharing your thoughts. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Tommy Thomas
Keep it going, Jim! All the best for the holidays and the new year.
Well the votes are in — at least one more year, or even more if you are up to it. Hope to see you and Lela this coming year – the Stewardship ceremony has fallen through somebody’s crack. Not sure, if it is recoverable at this point and not sure why or what the problem is — maybe its a generational thing. Merry Christmas and a healthy and happy New Year to all the Windhams.
I enjoy the Pilgrim. Fine as it is for me.
Merry Christmas.
I thoroughly enjoy reading your thoughts. Hope you decide to continue.
I was Judy’s roommate in Hawaii in 1968…how we met. She and I are “on the same page” politically.
And Sandy Kress teaches my Sunday School class in Dallas occasionally.
Good to hear from all of you and thanks for the response. JMW
Jim, it is always interesting and thought provoking. Keep it up …. as long as it also pleases you.
Merry Christmas to Lela and you.
Thought provoking and always a good read! Keep it coming.
Merry Christmas and best wishes for a safe and healthy New Year.
Jim- I look forward to your comments each month and have told my daily meeting of the liars club at my club. Many say they have subscribed. Hopefully that isn’t a lie too! Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas.
May you be showered with blessings.
You do a good job so keep it up. Your politics is different than mine but so be it. The witnesses against the president were compelling and I would be pleased to have them in the cases I try. Trump clearly violated 52 US Code 30121 by trying to solicit help in an election from a foreign power for a thing of value which was investigation of Biden. That is a prison term. In addition holding back the $400M of our money to Ukraine to get an announcement of an investigation from Zelensky was a clear bribe and that would be impeachment. It would have been more honest to offer his own $400M. I see in the last couple of days that 53% of Republicans believe Trump is a better president than Lincoln so I feel sure the Senate will not vote to remove him. However his conduct cannot be ignored like it is acceptable. In addition his name calling puts him in the bottom 5% of decency and that means a great deal to me. Could I explain to a grandson why is it bad for him to call his classmates names and it is ok for our president to do so?
Keep giving us the rest of the story, Jim.
Appreciate you, Ann
Merry Christmas to you and your family Jim. I’ve enjoyed your timely insight on politics, issues facing our country at all levels and especially your deep knowledge of our troubled education system. As a previous reader noted, I’m happy with your format, however if you want or need to change it for your own reasons I’m sure it’ll be fine. Danny