It’s good to have 2021 behind us and the Christmas holiday break seems to have given the country a much-needed breather to regroup on a number of fronts. No one needed a breather more than Joe Biden and, actually, he owes Sen. Joe Manchin a big thank you for hopefully putting a nail in the coffin of the big con job called Build Back Better and, in the process, possibly saving his party and his presidency, or at least offering an escape route, if he has the sense to pursue it.
It seems that Biden has two choices as to how to proceed in domestic policy: one is to recognize that he badly misread his very slim electoral victory and even slimmer legislative majorities as any kind of mandate for “transformational change” and adjust his strategy to one of regular order in dealing with the legislative branch, or two, march on under the banner of the progressive left to an even higher level of authoritarian governance through executive orders and regulatory mandates backed by left-leaning judges. He will be under enormous pressure from the progressive left to pursue the latter along with Court packing threats and challenges to the Senate filibuster rule. If he pursues the former, as bad for the country as the BBB is, I actually think some of the more moderate pieces of it could survive by working with bipartisan legislatives coalitions like “No Labels”.
On foreign policy, I agree with former Sen. Joe Lieberman in a recent op/ed that the biggest challenges the U. S. will face in 2022 won’t be Covid-19 or inflation but Russia and Iran, and I would add the continuing threat from China to his list. And what gives me even more concern here is that the obvious weakness that this administration is exhibiting across the board in every policy area, along with the underfunding of and the growing emphasis on “wokeness” and domestic terrorism probes in our military forces, provide incentives and opportunities for adventurism by our adversaries. The messages we send and the actions we take over the next several weeks will be crucial.
We are very close to a failed presidency and the incompetence across the board is stunning. If you doubt that, try and think of one cabinet-level official who is qualified to serve as President. It’s the weakest collection of talent of any administration in my lifetime. I have no idea what choices Biden will make, what changes he will pursue, or whose advice he will seek, but he had better listen to someone very soon with better judgment than he has been receiving.
Our federal government leadership has reached an historic low since the founding of the Republic using just about any matrix-moral, intellectual, political, honesty, and integrity.
I believe we are seeing Evil at work.
Ah men to Senator Joe Manchin. I sent him a letter before his decision requesting he not support the BBB as well as after ward to thank him for his No decision. Very, very historic American in all our lives in saving our Republic.
I’m a veteran, son of a veteran, brother of a veterans, nephew of veterans, uncle of veterans and close friends of veterans. The branches of our military have a 250 history of service to our country. The overwhelming majority of the members of that military, officers and enlisted, have been and are members of the middle class. Now all of a sudden our military needs probing for insurrectionists and white supremist and schooled in “wokeness”, CRT and whatever other liberal garbage they think of. This president and his entire administration are an insult to me and very veteran I know. I have people very close to me, that are still officers in the military. They are decorated combat veterans and have told me it is even worst than we know. Our enemies are preparing to kill us while the Biden crowd turns us into a nation of marshmallows. It infuriates and disgust me.
I totally agree with you, Jim.
I’ve become involved with No Labels in recent months, helping both Manchin and Co-chair Lieberman. It’s the most gratifying thing I’ve done in politics in a long, long time.
The director, Nancy Jacobson, is a real pro, too.
Biden will not listen to anyone advocating a modification of anything he has done.
If you are religious, you will accept that Biden is evil.
If you are not, you will surely agree that he intends to harm America, turn us into a permanent one-party State like the old USSR. We will have a handful of multibillionaires, no middle class, and the rest of us will be serfs grateful for anything they can receive from Biden’s clownish but malevolent administration.
Do not count on 2022 turning the tide. The Dems have had two years to perfect their vote fraud methods.
The prophet Daniel speaks of the angelic-demonic war going on in the heavens:
Daniel 10:13: “But the prince of the kingdom of Persia was withstanding me for twenty-one days; then behold, Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me, for I had been left there with the kings of Persia.”
The demonic forces have filled the vacuum in our country, motivating workers of evil, since we have not stood for the Godly standards upon which we were founded. As in the days of Judges 21:25 “everyone did what is right in his own eyes”. But once again in the book of Daniel 11:32 “but the people who know their God will display strength and take
I think I speak for many of us Ann–we’re ready for the display and action.
It is unlikely that the Biden administration will change its stripes. The mid=terms will favor the Republicans who are saddled with Trump’s eccentric behaviors until another of them can demonstrate the courage that Trump has demonstrated in punching back against the progressive Left. It may be DeSantis or Pompeo, but Cruz, Scott, Rubio, Christie are highly unlikely to fit the bill. Noeme, and Cotton are possibilities depending upon how much attention they can draw away from Trump.
I think that’s a pretty good analysis at this point, Greg.