In last month’s edition in “The Importance of Words”, I omitted one of George Orwell’s most often quoted passages, as follows:
“Those who would change a culture corrupt its language, particularly by hiding the reality of an evil they desire behind a less revealing name.”
It seems we see increasingly more of this practice by the totalitarian left these days.
Orwell was socialist with morality. Today we have lots of amoral socialists.
But he did not make up “Those who would change a culture corrupt its language, particularly by hiding the reality of an evil they desire behind a less revealing name.” He discovered it. He was not merely a speculating prescient.
So it has been going on for a looong time. Orwell died young, in 1950.
Now it’s routine, standard practice, as in “Build Back Better”, for $3.5 trillion, most of which will go to Democrat-aligned forces, not infrastructure that we do not need. Bridges, roads, etc. are primarily local and state responsibilities anyway..
Orwell was insightful, forward-looking, a socialist with deep moral convictions who died in 1950.
He did not offer this thought as a speculation. Which means he was already witnessing it.
Now it’s so common that it is routine.
Whoops! Posted my 2nd comment while my 1st was undergoing “moderation”. Sorry!