A clear consensus has finally formed that we are at the point of a showdown with the Kim regime in North Korea. The inexcusable torture and death of student Otto Warmbier on top of the continued provocation and advancement of its nuclear weapons program has left us with no choice but to confront this dangerous threat to the U. S. head on, and, in fact this conclusion is long overdue after at least 25 years in which hope has reigned supreme over experience in our appeasement.
And there are no good strategic choices, as we have constantly been reminded, but that is no longer an excuse. We must act now, and every option must be on the table, including the military. I’m a long way from any level of expertise or intelligence here that would qualify me as a resource, but I favor regime change as a top priority, hopefully followed at some point reasonably soon by a reunification with South Korea. This psychotic dictator must go, and China must be convinced that this outcome is in its best interest as well as ours, but even without that help, we should proceed. And it would be helpful if our leadership was less confusing in its messaging, with recent mixed signals on regime change as an objective coming from Secretary of State Tillerson and CIA Director Pompeo.
Meanwhile, as the diplomatic strategy is redesigned, we need a much tougher policy right now and there are some additional pressure points that could immediately be applied that will send a message to friend and foe alike, such as banning any travel to North Korea without government approval, adding serious sanctions on all banks and businesses that do business with North Korea and its banks, having the Navy stop ships suspected of transporting North Korean military equipment, and establishing a policy of shooting down missiles launched by North Korea. The time for patience and appeasement is over.
Agree totally. Steve Forbes has a good comprehensive plan. http://www.republicanchoice50.com
Have you ever heard anything that the NK leader has said, read anything he is alleged to have said, any quotations directly attributed to him? I have not. So who or what is the direct source of what we hear in the news?
We often see him clapping, waving, smiling, laughing, but I have never seen him actually addressing an audience, anyone, or even appear to be speaking. Most all of the threats from ruthless leaders have been very vocal, repetitive and filmed in the process. Maybe I missed something.
That’s strange considering all of the threats attributed to Kim. Makes me wonder if someone else is pulling the strings?
You could be right, but I suspect the CIA is at least minimally convinced that he or someone he authorizes is the source of the official releases coming from his regime. But also, the actions speak pretty loudly, even without the words.
Like everyone else – I agree and it is time to put every option on the table. There are always casualities of war but there are those who won’t do anything because of such — until something actually happens to them!