Some misguided analysts, objectively or not, are comparing the currently active “occupy Wall Street” crowd to the Tea Party activists. Well, if you have paid any attention at all to this rabble and their temperament and overall articulation of mission, that’s a pretty big stretch. Despite some fringe loonies, the Tea Party is a credible political […]
Evil in Norway
The recent senseless mass murders in Norway drew the typical reaction from comments in the media that I have seen, to wit: why? Well, I have an answer in the form of a “why” question in response: Beyond motivational evidence available in a criminal investigation, why do we not recognize that, contrary to the influential […]
Will and Kate
No, I didn’t arise at 4AM to watch the live wedding performance, knowing full well that there would be hundreds of repeats over the subsequent week from which to choose, or not. But I am a fan of the British monarchy mainly because I believe that it represents the best of British tradition and identity, […]
Much More Than a Math Problem II
The 20th century was one in which limits on state power were removed in order to let the intellectuals run with the ball, and they screwed everything up….We Americans are the only ones who didn’t get creamed at some point during all of this. We are free and prosperous because we have inherited political and […]
This is Much More Than a Math Problem
As we watch the scene in the Wisconsin state capitol in Madison, we are exposed to the raw truth of where liberalism has led us–to the fraud of the “social contract” as it has evolved in the age of entitlement. The wraps are off, the facade is down, Paul Krugman for once is right–it is […]
Good for You, Angela
Finally, we have a world leader with the courage to stand up to the failed ideology of multiculturalism, the doctrine popular mainly in the faculty lounges of Western universities that espouse the virtues of diversity, egalitarianism, and cultural relativism. Of course, all of this is cover for anti-Western animus, particularly of the anti-American variety. And […]
More Tea Party Analysis
It seems we’re spending a lot of time analyzing the Tea Party movement, and I have previously offered some thoughts, but recently I was struck by an essay in Policy Review, “The Tea Party vs. the Intellectuals”, by Lee Harris, author of a new book, The Next American Civil War: The Populist Revolt Against the […]
The Politics of the Tribe
Various pundits have been at work over the past year or so analyzing the Tea Party movement, and I don’t pretend to have any better handle on it than others. In fact, I think the movement defies comprehensive characterization and is certainly not monolithic in any sense, which is why there isn’t and in my […]
It’s pretty hard to grasp the massive cultural chasm between the Hollywood elites of the left and normal Americans as manifest in their respective reactions to the recent arrest and possible extradition of Roman Polanski to finally face his punishment for rape, sodomy, and other sexual abuse of a 13-year old in 1977. First, it’s […]
Culture Watch
A few odds and ends on the culture trail: * How many of you read this quote in the New York Times Magazine from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, or heard any coverage of it: “Frankly, I had thought that at the time Roe v. Wade was decided, there was concern about population growth […]