In spite of the obvious failures of the current administration, I am reminded from a number of directions that this country is still deeply divided over a range of fundamental issues and that regardless of our choices in 2012, I believe it will require a number of election cycles to work through these conflicts. Candidates and pundits want to call each election a “watershed” or “the most important since______”, and I certainly believe that this one is critical, but there will be several more to follow that will be equally important in resolving the questions relating to who we are and what we want for our children and grandchildren. And in case you believe that what is passing for a Presidential campaign so far is in any way enlightening on these points, give me a break (literally)!
In fact, in many ways, we are not very distant from the challenge facing Europe, and I want to follow up after the holiday break with some thoughts on how difficult our choices will be and how the restoration of virtue will hurt, unless we fail to restore it at all, in which case, all is lost.
On that happy thought, Happy New Year!