One of the oft-repeated quotes of the Clinton era is the “vast right-wing conspiracy” allegation made by Hillary Clinton on the Today show in January 1998, as the “Monica” case was exploding onto the scene. Well, surprise, surprise, if you look closely, there have been several recent sightings of evidence of left-wing collusion (a lighter c-word): the joint funding efforts of the National Education Association and the Democratic Party in the 2000 elections; the cooperative legislative strategy meetings among radical environmental, civil rights, and women’s groups; the exit report by John DiIulio, “Unlevel Playing Field”, disclosing widespread agency bias against faith-based social service organizations in Federal grants; and the coalition of the usual left-leaning suspects arrayed against privatizing any portion of Social Security. Wherever there is an effort to roll back progressivism and one-size-fits-all big government, the same familiar faces show up, almost always in alliance with the far left of the Democratic Party. It’s all of a piece and it’s just the tip of the iceberg. I’m sure the mainstream media will provide in-depth coverage any deadline now.