I have refrained from commenting on the various “investigations” involving the Russian influence on the 2016 election and Trump campaign collusion in same, former FBI Director Comey’s testimony, alleged “obstruction of justice”, and related circuses because that is exactly what this has become. And I am certainly not going to attempt any explanation let alone defense for President Trump’s various responses to all of this or any other aspect of his management style or temperament, much of which is unprofessional, possibly pathological, and adds to the circus element. But as the Wall Street Journal has recently noted, you don’t have to be a Trump partisan to have concerns about where all of this is headed, even though it is clear that the President brought much of it on himself with his careless conduct. And there are valid concerns we should all have about the mission of Special Counsel Robert Mueller having to do with the scope of his work and the people he has so far chosen to carry it out. I won’t repeat the details that have been widely reported, but suffice to say that there is at least the potential of conflict as well as prosecutorial overreach.
As for the investigation itself, for all the bluster and smoke, where is the fire? There is no evidence, no laws broken, no Russian collusion; so far, it’s all about leaks of bad information and it’s very destructive to the country and instructive about the tactical level to which the left will sink when they have no other message. The only issue that begs for a real investigation here is the corruption of U. S. intelligence agencies which has been almost the sole source of the false evidence and anonymous leakage that is driving this circus, all in the name of undermining the Trump administration. This has never been a partisan letter, but this process has long ago reached the level of the ridiculous and reasonable people should know it. The world is on fire and this charade is dangerous to American interests.