Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell put it best on the Senate floor: “Let’s not have any lectures about how the President should immediately, cheerfully accept preliminary election results from the same characters who just spent four years refusing to accept the validity of the last election”.
I agree completely and would add this: Trump owes these people, particularly the “inside the Beltway hacks”, elected and otherwise, and their lackeys in the mainstream media absolutely nothing–zero, zip, nada. This is the crowd that relentlessly and without a shred of evidence pursued a fraudulent hoax for over four years in an attempt to illegitimize his election in 2016 and his entire term of office since. He owes them no courtesies.
He does owe his almost 72 million supporters every effort permitted by our system to make sure that he has been legally defeated by the electorate, in which case he then owes Mr. Biden his best wishes as president-elect and the American people a gracious concession speech.
At this point it seems unlikely that a number of Electoral College votes sufficient to reverse the outcome in any state will be discovered, but that doesn’t mean that this effort is a waste of time. There are several highly questionable issues under review stemming from attempts to deal with mail ballots that need the attention of the federal judiciary, particularly in Pennsylvania, where that state’s supreme court brushed off the ballot deadlines specified by state law and extended the time period allowed by several days. This instance and possibly others around the country deserve to be reviewed and adjudicated even if there is no change in the outcome in order to send a message that we are a nation of laws under constitutional order, even during a pandemic.
We can get this done in an orderly fashion that will leave the American people with a much better taste in their mouths than a rush to a conclusion that will not bode well for the unity that Mr. Biden says he wants to promote and which he will need for any success he hopes to have. Stay tuned.
Gregory Stachura says
Mr. Biden’s calls for unity will ring hollow after four years of disdain by the leadership if his party toward those of us resistant to their agenda for even larger government and less liberty.
I cannot see any process by which faith in government shall be restored, given the tremendous corruptions we have discovered in our institutions.
Tim Phillips says
I don’t give a damn about Mr. Biden, he’s but a senile old rube.
We will be living under the tyranny of Commie Kamala with Obama and Soros as the puppet master within 12 months.
Bottom line: It’s not what you know – it’s what you can prove, and the communists have done a masterful job of manipulating the state election laws to cheat and get the electoral votes required in the electoral college to seize the presidency.
The global communists have brilliantly created and executed a strategy to finally make good on Nikita Kruschev’s declaration that “we will defeat you from within”, and that’s exactly what’s happened without a shot ever being fired.
Jim Windham says
No doubt the Ds have been shrewd about it to stay within the Constitution by using the Covid pandemic to induce legislatures to pass laws overhauling the election rules in many key states to their benefit, and mostly all with Republican complicity. They’ve always been better at this stuff than the Rs.
Tim Coffey says
Without accountability and punishment for the dishonest perpetrators, recurrence of deep state actions is assured.
Anonymous says
True, and all the more reason to complete these investigations and have a Supreme Court ruling protecting the rule of law in PA that sends the right message. And by the way, where is Mr. Durham and his report?
Vernon E Wuensche says
The sad thing to me after all the recounting and lawsuits is that in many instances it will be impossible to determine actual legally voted ballots because those that create them are professionals at it and can easily hide their tracks. How do you tell what ballots SHOULD HAVE BEEN SEGREGATED when Supreme Court Justice Alito gives order days after election day and all the ballots are mixed. And when there is no observation and envelopes are opened without comparing signatures how does one later determine such without a 6,000,000 observation of each individual ballot. This CPA knows that even with an audit a CPA is not responsible for finding fraud. White-collar criminals are such because they are skilled at getting away with it.
Tim says
Spot on Vernon. The federal govt does not have the forensic audit capabilities, both physical and digital to perform a true and accurate count.
We have witnessed the full power and raw might of not the democrats, but the deep state plan and execute a masterful coup of a duly elected President, all without a shot being fired.
Self-serving republicans are equal conspirators to overthrow the current administration, as they sat and continue to sit on the sidelines and watch this crime occur.
Welcome to China.
Dr. Tom says
One never hears about alleged, much less proven, GOP vote fraud.
Half the country seeks domination in perpetuity over the other half, by means fair and foul.
Even a one-vote majority, if Georgia plays out, will not be enough to maintain a stout Senate defense against the collectivist Democrats, not when we have arrogant fools like Sasse, Romney, Murkowski and Collins in the group.
I believe America as we know it is doomed. It has been hustling down the Progressive track for over 100 years now, with occasional hiccups like the Reagan interlude. Our post-war dominance was squandered by Truman in Korea, and the bland Ike. Oh, you don’t recall his gift of Suez to Egypt?
Oddly enough, the original idea of the need for governance by the educated “objective” expert elites was born of U Wisconsin faculty members around 1900. Not since Socrates have we had the notion that governance is best done by philosopher-kings.
I predict that a Biden presidency of knaves and fools led by a demented will see the Green New Deal and a mission to fight “systemic racism”; he has already said so. The ruin of America. Not a word about China.
Neo-Fascism is here; the multi-national corporations and Wall St. recognize it. The West Coast and New England recognize it. The Media, Fox included, and the awfully censorious “social” media are well aboard. Imagine that Twitter has the brazen arrogance of refusing to carry a Trump tweet because “its standards were not met”!
But in the meantime let the lawsuits and investigations continue. It’s not over til it’s over, and the Electoral College meets on Dec. 20.
Maybe, just maybe, SCOTUS will require a new election in PA.
Anonymous says
I’m a bit more optimistic, Dr. Tom. I believe this election reflected a bit of a firewall as demonstrated by Trump’s 72 million supporters. I said early on that this was his election to lose, and he did because he had no ego discipline at key junctures, particularly with the Covid task force presentations and the first debate, both of which were disasters he couldn’t overcome. But his base will live on and even be strengthened by this outcome.
Danny Billingsley says
Well stated Jim!
Dr. Tom says
The brutal, erosive oppression we face as Constitutionalists will not strengthen us, I greatly fear.
Have you seen Pelosi’s new H.R. 1 ?
It legalizes election mischief, among other things.
Jim Windham says
Yes, I’ve seen it. Just need to win in Georgia and block as much crazy stuff as possible until the next round.
david redford says
This election is not like Bush v Gore where there was about 500 votes contested in one state. The difference here is 10 to 20 thousand votes in several states. Lawsuits are fine(since I am a lawyer) but there are rules against frivolous suits with no evidence or foundation. I think 15 or 20 cases have been dismissed quickly for no evidence. Many times sanctions are found by the judges against the lawyers and the parties for bringing frivolous cases.
Is our country not capable of trying to work together. Can we try some kumbaya moments of united efforts. Will Trump show up for the inauguration? There is a good list of laws that could be passed including an infrastructure bill. I am going to some kumbaya talk with my R friends and I pray that the voices I read here will step into a new lane of making joint efforts.
Jim Windham says
Good luck, David. And you might try the No Labels group that has made good progress on some issues. But right now your party’s radical progressives are killing it.