My wife and I just returned from a 22-day cruise of the Mississippi River from New Orleans to Minneapolis/St. Paul, with many stops along the way for onshore excursions–a really busy but relaxing and informative trip. It was refreshing to visit the heartland.
Meanwhile, as I was vacationing, little did I anticipate that my time away from the routine would possibly be the most consequential month for the Supreme Court and the Constitution in my lifetime. Of course, the formal reversal of Roe v. Wade, as I have discussed based on the previously leaked opinion draft (see May 3 post), was monumental, but the Court’s rulings in this session on gun rights, the overreaching administrative state, church and state, and school choice, among others, were in many ways equally as consequential, particularly in what they portend for future rulings by this Court as it clearly has shown that the “originalists” are now in the majority. More on that later. But suffice to say at this point that Donald Trump’s legacy, in spite of how he is regarded personally and regardless of the outcome of the “Jan. 6” hearings, is secure in his appointment of three Supreme Court justices that will profoundly transform the direction of the Court for decades. A truly historic moment. Thank you, President Trump.
Welcome home, Jim!
Pray for the health and safety of our justices. The recent threats by radical Leftists reminds us that our civilization does indeed hang by a thin thread.
The turn back to a conservative America has begun. And is accelerating!
Sounds like a fun trip. As a kid the writings of Twain placed a lifelong dream of traveling the Mississippi from bottom to top in a John boat with trotlines and cane poles.
Yes, The Court has set the progressives hair of fire. I fear New York’s new gun law reply will be typical of the leftists response on all rulings.
As a fellow teammate once said on the delayed recognition of the 1966 National Championship Texas Western College (now UTEP) basketball team, “Long time coming, right on time.” The pendelum is finally beginning its slow swing back to sanity. “Praise God,” and if it is not inappropriate to do so in the same sentence, “Praise Donald Trump!”
Welcome back Jim and Lela — duly impressed to hear that the two of you were able to endure a 22-day trip!
What I find fascinating is the Liberal Left’s complete meltdown on the reversal of Roe.
SCOTUS, in fact, did NOT ban abortion as the Left would have us think. They returned the issue of abortion to individual States where it belonged in the first place and corrected Roe v Wade which was a flawed ruling. The reversal of Roe is, in fact, an affirmation of the 10th Amendment which I quote here for everyone’s convenience:
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”