Fascism is not all about jackboots marching in the street; it’s much more often insidious. And what we are discovering by the revelations in the release of the Twitter files by new owner Elon Musk is a working definition of fascism. It’s what you have when government agencies, including those of law enforcement and intelligence, collaborate with major corporate interests as “state actors” to commit massive violations of the free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment in the pursuit of power. This is right out of the totalitarian playbook and it is obvious that the tyranny in evidence here is broad and deep and extends from the 2016 elections to the present. Historically, this is a phenomenon of the radical progressive socialist left, and the current case is no exception. And it has been designed and perpetrated by the very political party and its regime and fellow travelers that have for six years brazenly condemned its opponents of scheming to undermine “our democracy” and create an autocracy. Assuming he continues to release the relevant Twitter files and pursues complete transparency, Elon Musk will have done the country a great service, and I believe that the end result will make the Watergate case look like jaywalking.
Greg Stachura says
Those who are mindful of history will recognize the schemes and skullduggery of the Leftists as being similar to the tactics of the Fascists in Italy and Germany nearly a century past.
Watergate, despite its spawning an adjunct to the description of every government scandal since, was a petty crime committed by a group of men whose collective conscience failed them. Had Nixon let them suffer their fate he may well have survived politically.
With exceptions, the media is doing their best to ignore this story but, like the laptop, will belatedly acknowledge it.
Richard Illyes says
It is encouraging that Musk supports DeSantis. The Boomers are aging out. Hillary Clinton turned 75 not long ago.
Some time back I commented that it is more likely that Trump is Dred Scott than Abe Lincoln. The excesses of his persecutors will backfire.
The country has two years to move from reacting against Woke craziness to developing actual policies to move forward. With people like Musk and DeSantis I think we will end up on the right track.
The new GOP controlled House can begin by defunding the Swamp.
Ken Williams says
Appears to me that something like military action will be necessary by a newly elected US President to close our southern border in hopes of ending the actual invasion of five million illegals is critical to regaining our Republic.
Glenn Lee says
My wife and i own a ranch near Uvalde. When Biden opened the border It was unlike anything I have ever witnessed and was under reported. Gangs roamed the streets breaking into businesses and assaulting citizens. We had two scary confrontations on our place. It was no use calling the police or border patrol as they were overwhelmed. Fortunately our Governor Abbot sent in law enforcement from all over the state to clean it up.
Ken Williams says
Today’s WallStreet Journal 12/12/2022
Page A 15 Book Review “Immigration’s Legacy” states We Will Loose Our Cultural Traits as newcomers do not simply assimilate to their new homes!
Vernon E Wuensche says
I have published an article in the Fort Bend Herald a few days ago that simply calls for a military action.
Allen says
Here are two things you can do immediately.and forever. Do not use or condone the term ¨our democracy.¨ Our founders explicitly rejected this form of government, yet Prs. Wilson and FDR tried it. Secondly do not use or condone social class as somethin that has existed in the USA. We do not and never have had social classes. I can prove these two terminological issues, utterly. Do not fall for communist talk; do not hurt us all by lose talking.
david redford says
I am not sure I follow this Jim. It sounds like a dark state conspiracy which will be revealed by Musk. I look forward to your reporting more details.
Jim Windham says
David – Danny is helping me explain what’s going on and he just about covered it all below. Have you been keeping up with the daily release of the Twitter files since Elon Musk took over? If not, you need to get up to speed. “Dark state conspiracy”? That’s putting it mildly. There is much more to come.
Danny Billingsley says
David I hope you followed this latest dump of twitter files regarding FBI partnership. FBI pays twitter $2m to run program requests of twitter accts. James Baker actively lobbying to suppress the laptop story. 80 FBI agents assigned to task force to work with social media regarding user files. From a supposedly once great agency to the shame of our country. From an agency that was supposedly protecting Americans rights to one that actively suppresses Americans rights. From the agency that protected the civil rights movement to one that ignores and actively suppresses civil rights.
martin says
Reminds me of the quote from Brandeis “sunlight is the best disinfectant”.
I’m really looking forward to what Mr. Musk reveals to us regarding the pandemic. I suspect we’re only getting started here, friends.
Dr. Tom says
The media are a vital arm of the Fascists, as Josef Goebbels, Hitler’s Minister of Propaganda, realized all too well. It seems clear, to me at least, that under Biden and his preposterous Cabinet, their absurd policies, the Democratic Party is moving America into a neo-Fascist entity. Are presidential “mandates” even constitutional?
Read https://www.city-journal.org/the-biden-bucks-blowout and gnash your teeth.
Kelly Rushing says
The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.
Ecclesiastes 10:2
Danny Billingsley says
It’s not only large corporations working with a leftist central government to control all speech, thought and opposition, but universities, unions, school districts and media. Musk’s revelations are no surprise to most of us and only the tip of a fascist iceberg that includes Facebook, Tik Tok, Google, Amazon and more. Secret meetings between high level government officials, corporate executives and social media leaders will be revealed. While there is nothing inherently wrong with the meeting themselves, when they are secret and the content is secret, one can assume that mischief is a foot.
As reported by the WSJ, 36 billion went to bailout mid states Teamsters Unions retirement funds under the guise of Covid relief. Two hundred million to a company largely controlled by the Chinese for battery development. Solar and wind power suck down billions annually in subsidies as does the EV industries. Solar equipment manufacturing is dominated by the Chinese government, so we can only imagine how many U.S. dollars go to that.
Many, if not most, of these large players care about one thing, and it’s not the freedom and welfare of all Americans. They’ll be in control in a fascist state. The good news is there are more of us than there are of them, and most of us believe in our Constitution and founding and will never give up the fight.
Victoria Wind says
Finally some sunlight on the mold! Will we get the disinfecting result we need? We have to. I’m waiting for the next actions of Facebook/Instagram, YouTube (parent Google), among others. They have been effectively silent. I have terminated my accounts at Facebook, Disney, Hulu, Netflix, American Girl, etc. Trying to make it hurt. But if coordination with the US government is so pervasive, what else can consumers do?
Danny Billingsley says
Now an Illinois Jeep plant announced the layoff of over 1300 workers. Why? To restructure the plant to the tune of $35 billion due to government mandated and subsidized switch to EVs.
vern wuensche says
You nailed it again Jim. EVERYTHING that has been done by those who do not care about America for the last 50 years is coming to a head now. Those we have elected to office had better quit being nice and begin being more aggressive or America will only be saved by the Second Amendment and although we will prevail it will not be pretty. And those who worry about being offended will have that as the least of their worries.