The editors of National Review make a very good point in their March 20 issue that is worth passing along:
“Supporters of the immigration status quo (or worse) are warning that immigration control would cost us. The New York Times editorializes that our economy will be one trillion dollars smaller without illegal immigrants. David Brooks says issuing only 500,000 green cards a year instead of the current million would guarantee American decline. The fact is, though, that most of the contribution that immigrants make to GDP accrues, reasonably enough, to themselves. The Times itself cited figures that suggest that illegal immigrants raise the incomes of native-born Americans by a trivial amount: less than three-tenths of a percentage point. And they cut the incomes of the least-educated Americans.
An immigration policy designed to boost Americans’ living standards would try to recruit high-skilled workers rather than reunite extended families or just accept whoever comes or stays here illegally. The immigration “policy” we have followed for decades is not in our interest, and it is not in its defenders’ interest for Americans to dwell on this fact.”
Sounds reasonable to me. After Trump deports the worst actors, ends sanctuary from federal law, and truly secures the border, hopefully we can then pursue an immigration policy overhaul that is in our interest and that of legal immigrants.
You are dead on as usual!