From my perspective (and if I have missed something, please let me know) President Obama’s recent trip to Cuba had three main objectives: (1) to recognize the moral equivalency of Cuba’s regime with U. S. complicity in colonialism, slavery, and oppression; (2) to end what he considers a relic of the Cold War in the half-century old Cuban trade embargo (“I have come to bury the last remnant of the Cold War”); and (3) according to his national security aide Ben Rhodes, to make Obama’s policies toward the Castros irreversible. Meanwhile, the Cuban police rounded up over 300 people just before he arrived, the Coast Guard picked up 18 rafters attempting to leave the country after nine of them had died in the process, and a procession by the dissident Ladies in White was disrupted by police. And the “optics” for the entire trip were horrible–posing in front of a mural of the murderous thug Che Guevara and attending a baseball game with a Columbian terror group, among other photo-ops. But in the end, it’s all about “the legacy” and we shouldn’t hold our breath until the Obama policies enable freedom and human rights to flower on the island. This won’t happen until both Castros are dead and the U. S. has a new President who will reverse the “irreversible”.
Jim it would be so wonderful if our president could stay in Cuba at least until his term expires! No doubt by that time BHO could get the Castro brothers to see the true light. That is, run Cuba with the Obama hand.
Some way by his executive orders let USA give Cuba a few more trillion dollars. It just is the right thing to do. After all were it not for all the horrible policies, embargoes etc, etc by now Cuba would already be the paradise promised by Fidel et al.
Oh yes and while we are doing what we should have been doing all along each adult in Cuba should be given a new American auto. Wow what a great idea! Of course, we would have to supply them gasoline at no cost to you and I …..our government will fill the bill.
In no time at all we will have rafts loaded and on their way back to Paradise Cuba. Jim thanks for what you do.
Bobby Stover