As President-Elect Joe Biden builds his core leadership group with cabinet and sub-cabinet appointments, it is still unclear exactly what his top policy priorities will be, beyond removing as much of the Trump legacy as possible. After all, we saw very little of him during the campaign, particularly when it might involve probing questions from an engaged media outside his support base. Can anyone really pin down what he intends to do with the economy, tax policy (other than raise them), with the relationship with China, public education, in the Middle East, etc., etc.?
The one exception to this, however, is very clear–he is almost entirely focused on diversity. In fact, he has promised as he says “the single most diverse cabinet based on race, color, based on gender, that has ever existed in the United States of America”. And so far, based on key top level appointments, he is certainly following that script, and he is quick to lead his appointment announcements with comments about the identity of the announced appointee–“the first of this, the first of that”, etc., without much emphasis on their specific qualifications for the job. And many of them are clearly Obama administration alumni, right out of central casting. Maybe it will get better, but to date I’m not impressed with the overall quality from a competence standpoint, and frightened by some of them.
The other, even more damaging point about the emphasis almost exclusively on diversity, is that it divides and doesn’t unify the various identity sponsors and interest groups, as we have already witnessed in the public response to some of these appointments and complaints from many of the spokesmen for these interest groups. Biden could take some advice from his liberal friend the late Arthur Schlesinger in his book reviewed in this issue of the Pilgrim, wherein he laments the divisiveness of identity politics: “It is ironic that what the multiculturalists began as a joyous celebration of diversity ends as a grim crusade for conformity….if separatist tendencies go on unchecked the result can only be the fragmentation, resegregation, and tribalization of American life.”
In all of our pursuit of diversity, how about more focus on diversity of thought and much less on gender and skin color?
“….without much emphasis on their specific qualifications for the job.”
Is this not the problem with Mr. Biden himself? His record does not speak well for his character nor his qualifications for the presidency.
How about following Martin Luther King on how people should be judged?
How much of what he says and does is Biden and how much is from his advisors?
Biden’s declared two top priorities are global warming and systemic (American) racism.
The defense of a charge of vote fraud is not to deny it, but to agree to pursue the facts of the charge.
Texas had no “standing” before SCOTUS to get a hearing that TX votes and its role in the Electoral College were diminished fraudulently in several other states.
So SCOTUS, the Judicial Branch, is lost.
The Legislative Branch was lost long ago when laws were passed that gave unelected Federales the authority to write regulations, determine penalties, and enforce them. Now these same unelected, tenured people write the laws….5000-plus pages in the recent “Stimulus-Omnibus” bill that Congress only had 2 hours to read before a vote was called!
And we face the permanent loss of the American Republic if Biden is inaugurated. There goes the Executive Branch.
We shall just turn into another socialist state like Germany, except we shall be the primary economic colony of Communist China, to which our money flows but freedom of speech and thought do not exist.
Dr. Tom, don’t know who you are but you are spot on. With Harris taking office the communists have won without a shot being fired or a bomb dropped. Biden is irrelevant. Lose the Senate. Lost it all until Americans revolt for the 2nd time against tyranny.
Could not agree with you more!
Biden is just an arm with a hand holding a pen. Harris is evil, and that is not a light charge.
The revolt must not be delayed.
See this on vote fraud methodology: