I have often noted my view that the ill-decided Supreme Court decision in Roe vs. Wade in 1973 will have been our generation’s version of the 1857 decision in the Dred Scot slavery case in terms of its divisiveness for our social fabric. Now pending is another invitation to further ideological warfare—the case of Lawrence vs. Texas challenging the state law prohibiting homosexual sodomy. In a recent very perceptive letter to an editor, Gary L. McDowell writes from London that the Supreme Court, in overturning the remaining such state laws, might well do for homosexual rights what Roe vs. Wade did for abortion—take it from the states and turn it into a national firefight. I admit that, as one who believes in the supremacy of natural law, it would please me to see a reversal of Roe, but my better judgment tells me that natural law is better applied in the legislative arena through the various state legislatures, a bottom up approach much preferable to top down imposition from an over-active judiciary in search of new “rights”.