Everywhere one looks there is increasing evidence of considerable pushback from the states and the people to the relentless and overbearing imposition of federal power in all aspects of daily life. This massive federal intervention is threatening our federal system, our solvency, our culture, and our way of life in ways that cannot at this point be estimated, and the most damaging aspect of it is the disregard for the rule of law (think GM bailout, mandatory health insurance, violation of mortgage contracts, mandates attached to “stimulus” bills, to name just a few). So the pushback from the states, taking various forms initiated by the state governors and attorneys general, is a healthy sign, and it is taking the form of what I am calling the “10th Amendment Campaign”, which is a big part of the sentiment fueling the Tea Party movement and the incumbent opposition building for the fall elections. It promises to get messy before it’s over, but Tom Paine would love it; bring it on!