It was, as has been described, Obama’s finest hour, and I won’t engage in any of the speculation about the details of the mission that resulted in Osama bin Laden’s death, nor any critique of the President’s role in it, except to congratulate him on his ultimate decisiveness and the outstanding execution of the mission by his team. However, three comments are in order: (1) Clearly, the much maligned security, surveillance, interrogation, and intelligence policies of the Bush administration were decisive and have been totally vindicated; in fact, it’s ironic that had President Obama’s avowed policies while campaigning been in effect, it appears very unlikely that such a mission would have been possible; (2) needless to say, our relationship with Pakistan is in need of serious reevaluation in light of a critical element of the Bush Doctrine–“you are either with us or you are with the terrorists”; and (3) as Yogi says, “it ain’t over ’til it’s over”, we’re still very deeply involved in a worldwide conflict with radical Islam, and any notion that this takedown of OBL represents an opening to imprudently disengage or roll back our defenses is irresponsible. In fact, in certain areas of the world, we should have been and/or should be more aggressively engaged; Syria, Iran, and Libya immediately come to mind, in each of which we owe their current regimes an ignominious exit.