It’s difficult to imagine what rational processes, if any, are being pursued by the Obama administration in developing its strategy for dealing with the nuclear weapons threat posed by Iran, not to mention the growing list of acts of war that have already been perpetrated against the United States by that regime over the past thirty years. The delusion that is in evidence here is stunning. And now we are presented with the outrageous spectacle of Iranian President Ahmadinejad appearing at a United Nations nuclear non-proliferation conference and lecturing us on our responsibilities, while the best we can muster is further appeasement by entering into yet another meaningless treaty with the Russians and expecting that our good faith arms reductions and “strengthening” the Non-Proliferation Treaty will induce the world’s outlaws to follow. This is naivete bordering on the pathological. Memo to Obama: There is no Cold War analogy here; “containment” is not an option with these fanatics. Bret Stephens is right: Iran’s nutcase President may be the only truly serious person in the room.