What further evidence and insult do we need that the United Nations is a bad joke and should be evicted from American soil? Let the prima donnas from the tinhorn dictatorships and tribes with flags find accommodations in Port-au-Prince or some other such garden spot that will waive the parking tickets for their limos and otherwise subsidize world wide media coverage for their anti-American ranting. The entire notion of a “world parliament of man” has been a pipe dream of the romantic internationalist elite for decades, and its futility has been clearly revealed in the complete abdication of the Security Council in its most critical moment of truth—the clear and present threat of Islamofascism joined with nuclear weapon capability. If, and it’s a big if, there is a real need for a global institution dedicated to serious discussion of common security, we should organize a Congress of Democracies, or the like, to engage in meaningful dialogue about how freedom based on the rule of law and the consent of the governed can best be expanded and the real threats to world peace can be confronted and defeated.