How do you turn “Obama’s Huge Blunder” (see the February issue) into a political win and paint the inept Republicans into a tight corner? Answer: you set a trap that they cannot avoid by converting a major issue involving the first amendment right to the free exercise of religion and the long-established freedom of conscience in religious matters into one that is focused on an entirely bogus debate on women’s health and access to contraception. There are three types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen, and those who wonder what happened. Guess where the GOP fits on this scale? Right. They wander right into the perfect storm of what was a setup from the outset and just about the only thing that could bail Obama out of a real problem with a huge constituency. Some people are just very difficult to help.
If anyone can get them back on top of the real issue here, there is serious business at stake, namely a major foundational principle that is slowly, but surely, under attack by this regime at every turn. For the Obama crowd is intent on converting the essence of the free exercise clause, which stands for freedom of religion, to one that is limited to freedom of worship, a huge difference that will serve to privatize religion in this country and relegate it to the margins, if not eliminate it entirely from discourse in the public square. Remarks like “we are a nation that guarantees the freedom to worship as one chooses” are heavily coded, very instructive, and worthless. This is Euro-secularist talk.
Meanwhile, the administration “accommodates” its faith-based constituency on the left by merely switching the problematic mandate for free birth control services from the religious institution to its insurance provider, a gimmick which changes nothing of any moral substance. In addition to its constitutional violations, it is a mandate forbidden by the Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993. How stupid do they think we are? The Catholic Church v0ws to continue the fight. They have been late to the game while helping Obama pursue “social justice”, but I hope they are finally wise to the duplicity of this administration, and they now deserve the strenuous support of all persuasions loyal to our founding traditions, whether faith-based or not.
Pappy says
Fluke: A chance occurrence; an accident. This was not a chance occurrence. Just like Barack Hussein Obama was no accident. Both were planned far in advance to further a Socialist agenda from the handbook of Saul Alinsky. Taking the faith based Christian underpinnings from a limited Republic where voluntary compliance and personal responsibility are keys to success will insure its eventual failure. The assault is never frontal with these incrementalists, it is always a convoluted version of the truth much like what Eve got in the Garden of Eden. The problem with getting a response from those who aspire to political office in today’s world is they are afraid of speaking the truth. With most of the National Press in lock step with the socialist takeover, anyone who dares to broach the truth is eviscerated. I believe there are still enough people in the United States who have strong moral and spiritual values to make a big difference. I think any political candidate who is willing to voice the truth without regard to personal consequences would receive a ground swell of support. We need some Federal Judges with great personal conviction, and some Congressmen who are not afraid of public outcry to press for Constitutional government. Our current president has gotten away with skirting the Constitutional qualifications to hold the office, and to my knowledge has no serious challenge in his bid for a second illegitimate term. It is time to throw up the road blocks and bring this house of cards to its knees.